WWE RAW Results (2/15): New Champion Crowned, Final Hype for WWE Fastlane, Braun Strowman Headlines and More!

Paul Heyman is in the ring to sell us on Fastlane one last time. Heyman says that Lesnar is extremely confident. Heyman wants to make this more interesting; He wants Reigns to come to the ring so he can tell him what he has to say straight to his face. Reign’s makes his way to the ring via the crowd. Heyman thanks Reigns for coming to the ring. Heyman tells Reigns that no one can get by his beast, Brock Lesnar. Not Reigns, not Reigns and Ambrose. There is no way. Heyman goes on to say that Sunday Reigns will have to choose between his best friend and the promise he made to his daughter.

Reigns thanks Heyman for saying what he had to say to his face. Reigns explains to Heyman that he has beaten Ambrose before. He hasn’t beaten Lesnar yet, but he has beaten his @$$ before. Heyman witnessed it before and he is going to get to witness it again at Fastlane. Heyman and Reigns shake hands. The Dudley Boyz attack Reigns from behind. Ambrose runs in to save Reigns. The blood brothers fight off the Dudleyz. Ambrose grabs Reigns for dirty deeds, but Reigns fights out of it. Reigns stares at Ambrose in shock. Ambrose shrugs his shoulders and points to the WrestleMania sign.

Heath Slater vs Zack Ryder

Slater parades around the ring before eating a drop kick from Ryder. Ryder drives over the top rope and takes out the Social Outcast. Bo Dallas distracts Ryder long enough for Slater to hit the implant DDT for the win.

Winner- Heath Slater