Brie Bella comes to the ring to attempt to cash in on the sentiment created by her husband Daniel Bryan retiring last week. What? Oh yeah this isn’t the place for commentary, is it? Hold that thought…
Before Brie can say much, Charlotte and Ric Flair interrupt her. Charlotte delivers a totally insincere speech about how great Bryan was. Charlotte talks about Bryan as if he is dead, which in retrospect is pretty hilarious and a great way to turn the last bit of fans Charlotte had on her side against her. She is a heel remember? Charlotte tells Brie that she should be home taking care of her husband. Charlotte goes on to say she gets why Brie is here: because they need the money. Brie tells Charlotte she is disgusted by the champion she has become. Charlotte tells Brie she is worried about what her goat faced vegan babies will become. Brie attacks Charlotte.
The Miz vs AJ Styles
Before Styles gets in the ring Miz attacks him. After the bell rings AJ gets the quick advantage, but Miz manages to surprise Styles with a knee to the gut. Miz chokes Styles on the middle rope. Miz drags Styles across the ring by his teeth. Miz hits the Miz knee reverse backbreaker combo for a two count. As Styles rolls to the outside, Miz follow. Miz gets into it with Chris Jericho, who is at the announce table. Styles runs up the ring steps and destroys Miz with a running forearm.