WWE RAW Results (2/8): Daniel Bryan’s Retirement Speech, Contract Signing for the Main Event of Fastlane, and Much More!

wwe rawWWE RAW Results
February 8th 2016 
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Raw kicks off with a brief Daniel Bryan tribute. Stephanie McMahon is already in the ring. Stephanie says its time for the contract signing for the main event at Fastlane. The crown breaks out into a loud Daniel Bryan chant. Stephanie calls the crowd idiots and says this is about who will face Triple H at WrestleMania, not Daniel Bryan. Before Stephanie can finish her thought Dean Ambrose interrupts her. Ambrose says that’s enough and he wants to cut to the chase. He has unfinished business with Brock Lesnar. Stephanie retorts that Ambrose doesn’t call the shots, she does. There will be no physicality during this contract signing tonight. Roman Reigns’ music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Stephanie points out that its funny that every time Ambrose has a moment, Reigns takes it.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman make their entrance. Ambrose is chomping at the bit to get his hands on Lesnar after Lesnar’s sneak attack last week. Ambrose signs the contract, followed by Reigns and Lesnar. Stephanie takes the contract and leaves. Heyman asks Ambrose to asks his big brother what the difference is between a beat down from the Authority and a beat down from Brock Lesnar. Ambrose gets in Lesnar’s face. Lesnar picks up Ambrose and throws him at Reigns (yes you read that right). Lesnar picks up a table and hits Reigns with it (yes, you read that right again). Lesnar F5s Ambrose and leaves the ring. As Lesnar is walking up the ramp, Triple H’s music hits and he walks out on the ramp to survey the damage.


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