TNA Programming Alert:
The annual Feast or Fired Series Return to TNA Next Week. Beer Money, Rockstar Spud, Eric Young, Bram, Grado, Aiden O’Shea, Robbie E, Drew Galloway, Chris Melendez, Jessie Godderz and Eli Drake will be the participants.
The Wolves, Crazzy Steve and Abyss Backstage Segment:
Richards said two years ago they walked into TNA and they’ve overcome the best in wrestling. He said they saved the best for last in Beer Money. He said Beer Money have no one to fight, but they are two gunslingers looking for a battle. Crazzy Steve showed up on the set with new face paint and a sinister laugh. Abyss knocked down one of the Wolves from behind and Crazzy Steve squatted over him and laughed.
Second Match: Gail Kim (c) vs. Awesome Kong w/The Dollhouse for the TNA Knockouts Championship
Kong bumps Gail in the chest. Kong with chops and forearms to Gail in the corner. Kong shoves her boot down Gail’s throat. Kong with a headbutt that sends Gail to the corner. Kong with a bodyslam. Kong goes for a running splash, but Gail ducks out of the way. Gail with a armbar submission hold to Kong. Gail rolls Kong up for a two count. Kong with a clothesline. Gail with a Tornado DDT to Kong.
Gail goes on the ring apron, but Jade distracts Gail. Gail lays out The Dollhouse at ringside with a flying crossbody. Gail with two running clothesline, but Kong stands still. Gail with a neck breaker for a two count. Jade hops on the ring apron. The Beautiful People come down to the ring to attack The Dollhouse. Kong goes for the Back Fist, but Gail counters with the Eat Defeat. Gail launches Jade onto Kong to pickup the victory.
Winner: Still TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim