Photo Credit: Paul Cooper/The World According To Wrestling

Top UK Women’s Wrestler Talks About Not Making It To WWE Yet, Praises Fellow UK Wrestler and WWE Diva Paige, More

Erin Angel Interview

The World According To Wrestling recently interviewed Erin Angel who is a top UK women’s wrestler with aspirations of making it to the WWE. Angel also praised WWE Diva Paige, who is also from the UK. You can read the interview below:

On not making it to WWE so far:

For me personally, I’d love to [do another tryout]. I did two trials and got a call at the time from the guy who was doing the trials. He called me and said that I’d got a contract so obviously your heart goes through the roof and I felt my dreams were coming true and it turned out I’d only made it to the shortlist. And there was a girl there from Ireland and I’m not sure if she picked up the contract in the end. She was a health and fitness instructor and she didn’t have any training but she had a really good look so I trained her a bit in the hotel on the morning of the trial to show her some headlocks and wristlocks and things. I think that was the ultimate thing for me when they then gave her a contract and I just went home. I couldn’t do it anymore as I’d done everything; my costume was brand new, my make-up was done, my hair was done – I was as good as I can be and I didn’t hear anything back. I just find it heartbreaking to keep going through the process.

On fellow UK wrestler Paige’s success:

I was wrestling her mum more than her but I remember her sitting on the side of the ring, selling the posters and saying that she hated wrestling and she didn’t want to be a wrestler. Then one day she just clicked like a lightbulb. I think all the years sitting and watching her mum, her dad, her two older brothers, and her older sister wrestling. I think one day it just clicked and she went “I’m going to do this too” and she was just amazing from the moment she stepped in the ring. There didn’t seem to be any training period, she just seemed to get in the ring and be amazing so she’s obviously naturally got it. Her whole family are amazing talents.

On her experience of sexism in the industry:

One incident when I was in a big tag match and this particular wrestler on the opposite team didn’t want me to be in there so he went extra extra hard with the moves he was putting on. And I know it was so I would go to the promoter and say I couldn’t continue to do the matches because we were on a tour. So I personally just took everything he wanted to give to me and then was like “Yeah, great match, thank you, I’ll see you for the next show” sort of thing. And I didn’t let it bother me but I know he was trying to force me out of the match.  I think he realised he wasn’t getting anywhere and I think in the end it was starting to look bad to the other wrestlers because they were starting to notice what was happening so I think it just stopped because of that. Again you get them everywhere don’t you? You can control everyone. 99% of the guys are brilliant and are just as supportive to the females as they are the males. And then there’s just that 1% that haven’t quite got there to the 21st century.


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