Chavo Guerrero Jr. Talks Whether Rey Mysterio Will Change His In-Ring Style In Lucha Underground, Will Konnan Be In Season 2?, More

Chavo Lucha Underground

Recently WrestleZone’s brand new Pro Wrestling Tees Store presented an exclusive WrestleZone Radio interview with current Lucha Underground Producer & Performer Chavo Guerrero. During the interview Chavo candidly talked about:

  • What it took to make Season 2 of Lucha Underground happen on El Rey
  • Rey Mysterio joining Lucha Underground
  • Alberto Del Rio’s departure from Lucha Underground
  • How the internet has affected how pro wrestling news gets out
  • Whether or not Joey Ryan will be a part of Lucha Underground Season 2
  • If Konnan will be back for Lucha Underground Season 2
  • Why it’s a great time to be a free agent in pro wrestling at the moment
  • Working with The Nasty Boys’ Brian Knobs on Legends of Wrestling
  • His new lifestyle brand with Rey Mysterio “VLR”
  • More…

Below is the full audio of the interview as well as some unreleased transcribed quotes:

On what fans can expect from Rey Mysterio’s in-ring work in Lucha Underground:

CG: We all change our styles the older we get and the more hurt we get. We change our styles also because we get smarter. The things that we did just because we could do them when we were younger… like, “Let’s just throw a backflip in there for no reason.” We would just do it. Now we are doing it and we get the mileage out of it. Rey Mysterio could do a lot more stuff before in his career but he’s a much better wrestler now. If that makes any sense. He’s a much better performer and everything he does in the ring means something now. Before, sometimes, in that lucha style, some of the things get lost because there are so many great things. All of a sudden it’s like… I compare it to the first Transformers movie. After the first hour of explosions I was like, “Ok. I am over the explosions. Tell me a story now.” It was just explosion after explosion after explosion after explosion. For the first ten minutes it was great but after that I was just like, “Ok, I’ve seen it.” Put me on a roller coaster. That’s what we like to do. Sometimes wrestling can get just explosion, explosion, explosion, explosion and there’s no story. There’s no emotional roller coaster and that’s really what wrestling is. That’s how we get you enthralled and in to that match. We can use the moves to do that but really it comes down to you have to tell a story. You have to make those people feel. You have to either make them hate you as a heel or really pull for you as a babyface. Where they are cheering for you. Like, “Come on!” They get emotionally invested in that match. Those are the best matches. It not just an explosion. Explosions are great, don’t get me wrong but that can’t be all that there is. 

On whether or not Konnan will be involved in Season 2 of Lucha Underground:

CG: Konnan is really good. He added a lot to the first season. That comes with years of being on tv and years of experience. The guy really isn’t getting in the ring because he is older and hurt and stuff now. He doesn’t have to. He just adds to the show. His promos are so good. He’s so great on the mic. He really, really adds to it. As far as this season… yeah, you can’t go without Konnan. 

You can find the full archives of WrestleZone Radio interviews in the embedded audio player below: