Charlotte & Ric Flair Backstage Segment:
Jojo asked Charlotte if she was ready for Becky Lynch. Charlotte said Becky had leeched off of her, and had no place to say how she should act as champion. Charlotte said her Dad had acted like a champion for his entire life, and now she would too.
Third Match: Charlotte (c) w/Ric Flair vs. Becky Lynch for the WWE Divas Championship
Lynch and Charlotte lock up. Charlotte brings Becky to the corner. Lynch and Charlotte push each other. Charlotte with a takedown to Lynch. Charlotte with armdrag to the Lynch. Lynch counters with three armdrags to Charlotte. Lynch with a armbar. Charlotte rolls Lynch up for a one count. Lynch with a waist lock to Charlotte. Lynch rolls Charlotte up for a two count. Charlotte works on the knee of Lynch. Charlotte and Lynch exchange rolls up, but both ladies kick out at one. Lynch with a wrist lock to Charlotte. Lynch with a dropkick and armdrag to Charlotte. Lynch applies another armbar. Lynch sends Charlotte to the ring apron. Lynch with a spring board side kick that sends Charlotte to the outside. Lynch tells Ric to back away. Lynch rolls Charlotte back into the ring. Charlotte rolls out of the ring. Lynch goes after her, but Ric gets in the way. Charlotte with a big boot to Lynch. Charlotte with right hands to Lynch. Charlotte with a exploder suplex to Lynch. Charlotte with a series of forearms to Lynch. Charlotte with another exploder suplex for a two count.
Charlotte continues to ground and pound Lynch. Charlotte with a knee to the midsection of Lynch. Charlotte with a head scissors take down to Lynch. Lynch powers up and connects with the snake eyes to Charlotte. Lynch with two clothesline, a leg lariat, a running clothesline and a exploder suplex to Charlotte for a two count. Ric tells Charlotte to get back up. Charlotte with a neck breaker to Lynch for a two count. Charlotte goes for the side press for a two count. Charlotte slaps and chops Lynch. Lynch looking for the backslide, but escapes. Lynch ducks a boot from Charlotte and connects with the Pump Handle Suplex for a two count. Lynch goes for the Dis Arm Her, but Charlotte counters with the Spear. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, but Lynch small packages Charlotte for a two count. Lynch locks in the Cross Arm Breaker. Charlotte rolls Lynch up for a two count. Lynch locks in the Dis Arm Her. Charlotte taps, but her foot is on the bottom rope. Lynch argues with the referee and Charlotte rolls Becky up from behind and picks up the victory.
Winner: Still WWE Divas Champion Charlotte