house of hardcore

WZ Photo Gallery and Videos: 2015 Blizzard Brawl featuring Booker T, Tommy Dreamer, Abyss & More, Latest House of Hardcore News

Last night, Great Lakes Championship Wrestling presented the 2015 Blizzard Brawl event at the Waukesha County Expo Center in Milwaukee, featuring a main event of Al Snow defending the GLCW Heavyweight Championship against Tommy Dreamer.

The event also featured Abyss vs Dave Herro, and appearances by Booker T, Chyna, ODB, Armando Estrada and many more.

Related: Dave Herro on The Wild History of GLCW’s Blizzard Brawl, Facing Abyss & Tommy Dreamer’s RAW Appearance

Following the Abyss vs David Herro match, Tommy Dreamer announced that House of Hardcore will be coming to the Milwaukee area, and Nick Hausman will have more details on the promotion’s future on tomorrow’s edition of WZ Daily.

WZ Daily host Nick Hausman was in attendance for the event, and posted the following photos:


@wzrebel about to lay in to Ruff Crossing with “a steel chair” post-@blizzardbrawl

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@robbieeimpact interrupts the #ECW Original @thetommydreamer’s match with @the_al_snow at @blizzardbrawl

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The Headbangers joined in on the dance party @thescotty2hotty and @zemaion were holding after their match at @blizzardbrawl

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@thescotty2hotty hitting the worm to pick up the win for his team at @blizzardbrawl

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@melanie.cruise77 getting a huge reaction from the @blizzardbrawl masses

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@joanielaurer formerly @WWE’s Chyna waiting to pose for pictures with fans at intermission here at @blizzardbrawl

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@supercopjustice & @joeyeastman making their way to the ring at last night’s @freelancewrestling event #RAWPower

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Dave spoke with Nick earlier this week about his expectations for last night’s Blizzard Brawl, facing Abyss and much more. You can listen to Dave talk to Nick in the embedded player below. His appearance begins at the 29:25 minute mark: