WWE RAW Results (11/30): Sheamus Defends the World Title, and a Huge Eight-Man Tag Match Main Event!

After another break, New Day takes turns stomping Jey in the corner. Jey hits a spinning enzguri that give him enough time to tag in Reigns. Reigns takes out the entire heel team before hitting a tilt-a-whirl on Kingston. Reigns chases Sheamus to the outside. Reigns hit the drive by on Woods and Kingston. Jimmy Uso is helped to the back because of his knee injury. Sheamus manages to hit a diving knee drop on Reigns. Big E tags in and destroys Reigns with a belly-to-belly suplex, followed by an abdominal stretch.

Reigns finally tags in Ambrose who hits a running bulldog on Sheamus. Ambrose almost takes Sheamus’ head off with a rebound lariat. Ambrose goes up top and dives onto New Day on the outside. Ambrose then runs back in the ring and dives through the ropes to take out Sheamus. Reigns clotheslines Big E on the outside of the ring. Sheamus brogue kicks Ambrose for the win.

Winners- The League of Nations and The New Day

After the match Sheamus brogue kicks Reigns as well.

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