Senior Referee Charles Robinson walks out to the ring. He tells the ring announcer that he was sent here by WWE corporate to make sure there is no controversy in the women’s title match.
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs Eva Marie w/Nia Jax
Bayley grabs a side headlock and immediately takes Eva down. Eva get to her feet, and reveres it to take the advantage. Eva takes Bayley down by her hair. Eva follows that up by forcing Bayley into the corner and elbow smashes her. Suplex by Eva. Bayley immediately hits a Bayley-to-belly. Jax pulls the ref out of the ring. While Bayley complains, Eva rolls her up from behind. Referee Robinson runs into the ring to count the fall, but Bayley kicks out.
While Referee Robinson has his back turned, Jax get in the ring an hammers Bayley. Bayley kicks out at two. Eva is in control, slamming Bayley around and going for multiple pin attempts. Eva hits the ropes, but Bayley clotheslines her out of her boots. Bayley is about to hit her whoa splash in the corner, but Referee Robinson gets in the way, stopping her in her tracks. Eva hits the sliced red #2, but Bayley somehow kicks out. Eva yells at the Referee Robinson to count faster. Bayley pushes Eva into Referee Robinson, sending him careening to the outside of the ring.
Eva gets on the second rope, but Bayley cuts her off. Bayley attempts a second rope Bayley-to-belly, but Jax grabs her foot and pulls her out of the ring. Jax tries to help Eva off the top rope, but Bayley pulls her off the apron. Bayley gets back in the ring and hits the second rope Bayley-to-belly for the win.
Winner- Bayley
After the match Jax attacks Bayley.
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