WWE RAW Results (11/23): Divas Title Rematch, Reigns vs Rusev, Survivor Series Fallout and Much More!

Charlotte chops Paige down for another two count. Charlotte synched in a rear naked choke. Paige gets to the ropes. Charlotte spears Paige through the ropes to the outside. The both get counted out.

Winner- No Contest

After the match Paige tosses Charlotte into the steel steps. Paige locks the PTO on Charlotte on the announce table.

For some reason Heath Slater is in the ring… With a guitar. Before Slater can sing, Ryback comes out. As Ryback is shaking the ropes and doing Ryback like things, Slater hits Ryback in the back with the guitar. Ryback spinebusters Slater, hits the Meathook, followed by shell-shocked.

Dolph Ziggler and Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens and Tyler Breeze

Ziggler and Breeze start the match off. Ziggler wrestle Breeze down to the mat. Owens tags in, but when Ziggler tags in Ambrose, Owens immediately tags out. Ziggler is back in and in control until Breeze kicks him in the face. Owens and Breeze take turns working over Ziggler. Ambrose gets the hot tag. Ambrose sends Breeze over the top rope. Ambrose dives through the ropes to take out Breeze. Ambrose hits the rebound clothesline. Ambrose hits dirty deeds as Owens sits on the outside and watches.

Winners- Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler


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