WWE RAW Results (11/9) The WWE World Title Tournament Begins, Bray Wyatt Delivers A Eulogy For The Undertaker!

After a short break Sheamus slams Cesaro for two count. Cesaro kicks Sheamus in the face and goes to the top rope. Sheamus cuts him off and slams him to the mat for another long two count. Sheamus and Cesaro get into a slap fight. Sheamus goes for the Irish curse backbreaker, but Cesaro does a backflip and hits the Alpamare Waterslide for a two count. Cesaro almost big swings Sheamus but Sheamus gets to the ropes. Sheamus tries to suplex Cesaro over the top rope, but both competitors tumble to the outside. They are both almost counted out, but they managed to get to the ropes. Cesaro springboards of the tope rope but gets caught in white noise for yet another two count.

Sheamus goes for the brogue kick, but Cesaro turns it into the sharpshooter. Sheamus immediately gets to the ropes. Cesaro and Sheamus get into a European uppercut fight. Cesaro sits Sheamus on the top rope and drop kicks him to the outside. Sheamus is trying to collect himself on the barricade. Cesaro comes out of no where and European uppercuts Sheamus into the first row! Barrett distracts Cesaro long enough for Sheamus to get the advantage. Barrett gets smacked in the face by Wayne Rooney (Captain of Manchester united). Sheamus is distracted, which allows Cesaro to roll up Sheamus for the win.

Winner- Cesaro

Cesaro advances in the WWE World title tournament. 


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