WWE RAW Results (11/9) The WWE World Title Tournament Begins, Bray Wyatt Delivers A Eulogy For The Undertaker!

After a commercial break Reigns is fighting back with rights and lefts. Reigns hits the rope, but gets caught in a massive bear hug. Reigns fights out and hits a Samoan drop on Big Show. Reigns traps Big Show in the corner and clotheslines him multiple times. Big Show is hanging over the ropes. Reigns hits the drive by two times before calling for the Superman punch. Big Show catches Reigns midair as he jumps for the Superman punch for a chokeslam. Big Show calls for the WMD, but ends up getting Superman punched, then speared for the win. 

Winner- Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns advances in the WWE World title tournament.

Kevin Owens walks to the ring and tells the U.K. fans they are the dumbest fans on the planet.

Kevin Owens vs Titus O’Neil

Titus is all over Owens. Sending him to the outside and driving him into the barricade. After a short break Titus gets super kicked by Owens for a two count. Owens follows that up with a running senton. Owens trash talks Titus in the corner as he chops him down. Titus catches Owens hand and fights out of the corner. Titus slams Owens for a two count. Titus picks up Owens, but Owens wiggles off Titus’ shoulders. Owens pushes Titus into the ropes and destroys Titus with the pop up powerbomb for the win. 

Winner- Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens advances in the WWE World title tournament.


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