alberto del rio

How Much is Alberto Del Rio Making in WWE and Will He Make Another Appearance in AAA?

On a recent podcast on MLW, Konnan talked about Alberto Del Rio’s contract with WWE and Del Rio’s remaining dates with AAA. The rumored figure for Del Rio’s contract was $450,000, but Konnan shot down that rumor. He said on the podcast that there is no way that Del Rio would go back to the WWE to make less money. 

According to Konnan, there are three more television dates left on Del Rio’s contract with AAA. The AAA show on November 2nd was the same night of Monday Night Raw, so Del Rio was unable to attend. Konnan said that Del Rio plans on making one, or both, of the remaining dates with AAA. Because of the way Del Rio left in 2014, Konnan thinks that helped Del Rio to honor the remaining AAA shows. 

Konnan also stated that Del Rio is happy to have returned to WWE and that Del Rio has fixed whatever problems him and WWE had. 


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