Update: Driver of the Car in Jerry Lawler Collision Was Not Under the Influence, More Details on the Accident

Jerry LawlerAs noted, WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler was involved in a head on collision on Halloween night, and despite Lawler’s girlfriend suffering injuries which will require her to use crutches, everyone involved in the crash will be ok.

WZ Daily regular Ryan Satin of ProWrestlingSheet.com is reporting that the driver of the car who crashed into Lawler’s car was not under the influence.

The report notes a rep for the Memphis Police Department tells Pro Wrestling Sheet the vehicle Jerry Lawler was riding in was hit on it’s right, front side — and all parties refused medical treatment at the scene.

Officers determined the other driver wasn’t under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and she was simply cited for running a red light. No further investigation will be taking place.


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