WWE SmackDown Results (10/8) – New Day Brings Positivity To Philadelphia, King Barrett Returns To Action, Orton & Reigns Clash With The Wyatts

Summer Rae & Rusev Backstage Segment: 

Summer talks to the makeup girls about her potential wedding with Rusev. Rusev shows up and ask Summer why is she telling people about are engagement and reminds her about the deal they made on Raw this past Monday. Summer said that Rusev has a match with Ryback who’s the number one contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship and if he beats him he will be closer to getting a opportunity to become Intercontinental Champion and they will both have the gold they want. Rusev and Summer hug and as Summer walks away Rusev slaps her in the ass. 

Second Match: The Bella Twins & Alicia Fox vs. Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Natalya 

Fox and Lynch start off the match. Lynch and Fox lock up. Fox with a wrist lock. Lynch with a roll up for a one count. Lynch with two armdrags. Lynch tags in Charlotte and CB double teams Fox. Charlotte tags in Natalya. Natalya with a running dropkick for a one count. Fox plants Natalya. Fox with a right hand and tags in Nikki. Nikki with a top rope elbow drop. Natalya with a armdrag takedown. Natalya with a suplex to Nikki and tags in Lynch. Nikki knocks down Lynch and tags in Brie. Brie knocks down Lynch for a two count and applies a headlock. Back from break and Team Bella ground Lynch. Fox with a northern light suplex to Lynch. Fox applies a headlock to Lynch. Fox creates seperation.

Fox plants Lynch for a two count. Fox tags in Brie. Brie with a clothesline for a one count. Brie drops Lynch on the mat. Brie with a headlock. Nikki comes in and knocks Charlotte off the ring apron before Lynch came make the tag. Nikki with a back elbow. Nikki rams into Lynch ribs. Lynch plants Nikki on the turnbuckle and tags in Charlotte. Charlotte with chops. Charlotte with a modified neckbreaker and a big boot to Nikki. Nikki with a enziguri off the second rope to Charlotte. Nikki knocks Natalya and Lynch off the ring apron. Nikki goes for the Rack Attack and Charlotte counters. Charlotte with a spear to Nikki. Charlotte applies the Figure Eight and Brie breaks up the submission attempt. Natalya brawls with Fox and Brie at ringside. Charlotte locks in the Figure Eight on Nikki and Nikki taps out. 

Winner: Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Natalya 

Paige Backstage Promo: 

Renee Young ask Paige her thoughts on Team NBC (Natalya, Becky and Charlotte) picking up the victory there. Paige said it’s not Team NBC it’s Team PCB. Paige said that she doesn’t like Natalya invading her territory and getting into her girls heads. Paige says that she doesn’t like Natalya and walks away.