impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/30) – Bound for Glory Announcement, Storm vs Sherra, Eric Young vs The World

Fourth Match: Ethan Carter III & Tyrus vs. Matt Hardy & Drew Galloway 

Carter and Galloway start off the match. Tyrus tags himself in. Galloway and Tyrus lock up and Tyrus knocks Galloway down. Galloway with a side headlock and Hardy tags himself in. Hardy and Galloway double team Tyrus with stomps. Hardy with forearms to Tyrus back. Tyrus slams Hardy. Tyrus with a elbow drop. Tyrus with a headlock and tags in Carter. Hardy with right hands. Hardy with a backbreaker. Hardy with a running bulldog. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate and Carter counters with a dropkick for a two count. Tyrus is tagged in. Tyrus with a running splash in the corner. Tyrus applies pressure on Hardy neck. Hardy with right hands. Tyrus tags in Carter and they double team Hardy. Galloway storms in the ring, but gets hold back by Earl Hebner. 

Tyrus with a leg splash for a one count. Tyrus with a headlock. Tyrus with more right hands. Carter comes from behind and attacks Hardy as the referee is distracted. Tyrus steps on Hardy ribs. Tyrus has full control of Hardy. Carter is tagged in and goes for a pin attempt. Carter with a headlock. Hardy tries to regain momentum. Hardy with a side effect and both men are down. Galloway is tagged in. Galloway with right hands to Carter. Galloway goes up top and lands a flying elbow. Galloway with a belly to belly and Tyrus breaks up the pin. Hardy off the top rope and knocks down Tyrus. Hardy with a Twist of Fate on Tyrus. Hardy and Galloway measure up Tyrus. Galloway with a running knee to pickup the victory. After the match Dixie Carter comes out and announces that Jeff Hardy will be the Special Guest Referee for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match at Bound for Glory.

Winner: Matt Hardy & Drew Galloway 

Thank you guys so much for checking out tonight’s coverage of Impact Wrestling. We’ll be back on Sunday for TNA Bound for Glory. Continue to the conversation on the Disqus section and on the WrestleZone Forums. 

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