impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/30) – Bound for Glory Announcement, Storm vs Sherra, Eric Young vs The World

Third Match: The Dollhouse vs. The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne) in a Handicap Match 

Dollhouse and the Beautiful People brawl at ringside. Sky attacks Bell and hits the flying splash. Sky runs her across the ring and smashes the head. Bell off the buckles Sky with a clothesline for a two count. Rayne is tagged in and sets up the kick into the side of Bells head for a two count. Jade makes the tag and throws the kicks. Rayne with forearms and spinning forearm to send Jade down.Rayne bangs on the buckle to get the fans going and stepping to the apron, runs the ropes to dropkick into Jade’s head. Madison back inside, cover gets two. Madison tags to Velvet, kick from Sky and another, then a kick to to the head and a running neckbreaker for a two count. Velvet Sky sent for the ride and kicks of Jade, beating down the Dolls but takes a dropkick from Jade.

Jade tags to Rebel who kicks Velvet’s stomach, boot to the throat for the choke and a distraction for the Referee as Marti and Jade beat down Velvet. Jade tags in, snap suplex! Running kick to Madison. Jade for the pin, two. Jade holding the hand of Velvet’s out, taunting Madison and misses a roundhouse, double clothesline and both women are down and barring each other’s way to their respective corners. Marti and Madison tag in, Rayne for the chops, hits the forehead off the knee and a dropkick to score a two. Madison sent to the rope, Rebel knees her kidneys and Rayne sends Marti into Rebel. Madison with the Roxy Bomb and Jade breaks it up. Velvet sends Jade outside and Sky gets sent into the ringsteps. Jade has the chair and misses the smash, she would have broken her hand! Rebel throws powder in the eyes of Madison, schoolgirl from Marti Belle to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Dollhouse 

Ethan Carter III Backstage Promo: 

Carter calls the World Title situation a big steaming pile of crap. Carter says he’s a winner, and Tyrus is a winner by association. Carter says that Aunt Dixie used to be a winner, and Matt Hardy is a damn weed that keeps popping up no matter how many times he kills him. Drew Galloway will lose, and whatever wrinkle Dixie has, it will not end his World Title reign.

Brooke Tessmacher Promo: 

Tessmacher talks about how she represents the Knockouts Division, how far she’s come and how badly she wants the KO title back. Tessmacher promises this is not all the last Impact has seen of her. 

Gail Kim Promo: 

Kim says that she has a legacy versus a woman she respects in Awesome Kong. Kim is the first Knockouts Champion and it’s time to see who the best woman really is. The best TNA Knockouts Champions will make history as Bound For Glory will see Gail Kim defeat Awesome Kong.


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