WWE RAW Results (9/28): Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt, John Cena Restarts The U.S. Title Open Challenge!

Kane and Ashley from HR are in the ring. Before Ashley can give her full evaluation, Rollins’ music hits and Rollins is yelling about how Kane is not the man that he presents himself to be. Rollins runs a video package highlighting Kane being the big red machine and wrecking stuff. Rollins says the Kane in the video is the real Kane. Rollins goes into a crazy person like rant, about how he isn’t going to hell; he can’t go to hell because the Pope blessed him. Kane runs a video package highlighting Rollins being mean to him.

Ashley reads her report, which says Kane is sound of mind and more than capable of being the Director of Operations. She goes on to say that if anyone needs to be evaluated, its Seth Rollins. Rollins gets in the ring and pedigrees Kane. Rollins goes to the outside, grabs a chair and assaults Kane with it. Rollins wraps a chair around Kane’s leg and stomps on it. The trainer runs into the ring to check on Kane. The trainer calls for the paramedics. As they are putting Kane on a backboard, Rollins rants about how Kane looks very human right now. Kane is loaded into an ambulance. 

The ambulance pulls off, but it stops. Red lights blare and smoke is pours out of the ambulance. Kane emerges from it in full Demon Kane garb. Kane is limping at first, but he stomps his bad leg to knock it back into place. Kane gets in the ring and Rollins hits him in the leg with a chair, but Kane is totally unaffected. Kane beats the heck out of Rollins, then chokeslams him for good measure. Kane picks up Rollins for a tombstone, but Rollins rolls out of it and scurries out of the ring. Kane picks up the WWE title and sets the turnbuckles ablaze.



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