As noted, WWE Hall of Famer Tammy “Sunny” Sytch was arrested and subsequently released from jail this past Friday. Sunny was released after posting a $2,000 cash bail.
According to, the following are some of the terms to which Sunny had agreed in order for her bench warrant to be canceled:
-She will officially notify the court, the District Attorney and her own attorney of any change in address or phone number.
-She will complete a drug and alcohol evaluation and follow all recommendations made.
-She agrees to a zero-tolerance policy for “the possession, control and consumption of alcoholic beverages and non-prescribed medication.” If she violates, she will be arrested for violating bail terms.
-She must report to the Carbon County Adult Parole & Probation Department within 72 hours of her jail release.
-She agrees to a zero-tolerance policy for “the possession, control and consumption of alcoholic beverages and non-prescribed medication.” If she violates, she will be arrested for violating bail terms.
-She agrees to a zero-tolerance policy if she misses any urine tests without a legitimate reason. If she does miss one and does not have a legit reason, she will be arrested for violating her bail.
-She agrees to appear in court on December 2nd for charges against her to be read. The judge will be advised if there has been a plea bargain reached. If no plea is made, Sunny agrees she will appear in court for a jury trial on December 7th.