WWE NXT Live Event Results (9/17): Houston, TX; Balor vs Breeze, Emma vs Bayley, Corbin vs Joe, Crews In-Action and More

Baron Corbin vs  Samoa Joe – Solid back and forth match,  with Joe locking the choke, and Corbin passing out instead of tapping.


Carmella vs Dana Brooke – Carmella is improving, Dana is not. Dana with the win with her sloppy finish.
Blake and Murphey vs The Vaudevillians – Champs retain with the whirling dervish.

Emma versus Bayley – Very fun match,  Emma is really shining in this heel role, and she was absolutely ruthless. Bayley with a Bayley to belly out of nowhere for the 3 count.

Tyler Breeze vs Finn Balor – Started off slow but picked up steam and was fun to watch, Finn with the stomp from the top rope to retain his title.


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