2 Title Matches, Melendez’s Leg on the Line, Jeff Jarrett & More on Tonight’s Impact Wrestling, Hot New TNA Knockouts Video Released

impact_wrestling_splashThe following matches have been taped for tonight’s edition of TNA Impact Wrestling:

-James Storm vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode in a #1 contenders match for the King of the Mountain Title
-Velvet Sky vs. Brooke Tessmacher for the Knockouts Title
-The Revolution vs. The Wolves for the TNA Tag Team Titles
-Chris Melendez vs. Eric Young with Melendez’s leg on the line

As always, WZ will be providing complete, LIVE coverage of Impact Wrestling beginning tonight at 9pm EST, so be sure to join us then!

TNA has released the following behind-the-scenes video of the upcoming TNA Knockouts calendar:


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