The New Day & Los Matadores vs. Lucha Dragons & Prime Time Players
Pretty high paced match-up that sees some tweener activity from Los Matadores. Titus O’Neil is tagged in at one point and cleans house pretty easily and quickly. Backstabber from Diego on Titus while El Torito and Xavier Woods go at it on the outside for some reason. Kalisto is tagged in and hits an impressive Huricanrana for the win!
Winners – Lucha Dragons & Prime Time Players
A recap is shown of how Neville & Stephen Amell vs. King Barrett and Stardust was set-up last week on RAW in a comic-book style promo followed by a live promo by Stardust and King Barrett. The King proclaims that Amell has unlawfully invaded “His Kingdom” and is not welcomed. Stardust then goes on a rant about The Green Arrow too.
Nikki Bella vs. Sasha Banks
Both teams are at ringside for moral support. Nikki shows off a bit in the early going jumping jacks and push-ups ala Scott Steiner, but is soon shown up by Sasha’s technical talents. Slingshot Suplex by Nikki earns the first close fall in this bout. Sasha seems to be very feisty by kicking out at one after a Snap Suplex by Nikki. Sasha is able to hit her patented Double Knee Attack to Nikki in the corner before mocking her with some push-ups of her own. Sasha gets cocky and rushes into the corner to attack Nikki, but is denied twice with a couple of elbows to the face. Alabama Slam by Nikki for a close two-count. Banks recovers and is able to hit a William Regal-like Spinning Neckbreaker for a two-count of her own. Great counter from a roll-up by Nikki into an Electric Chair Drop while the annoying crowd chants, “WE WANT LESNAR” in a very disrespectful tone. Sasha was set-up for Rack Attack until Naomi distracts the referee long enough for Sasha to lock in the Bank Statement for the surprise Submission victory for Team B.A.D.
Winner – Sasha Banks