We return to see Ziggler and Lana celebrating Dolph’s big return backstage and interviewed briefly by JoJo. This leads into the Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar promo video that has been played over and over.
Ryback vs. The Miz
Big Show is on commentary promoting his new movie that stars both he and Dean Cain. Ryback dominates most of the match in the early going as Miz tries to take out the tree trunk-sized legs of Ryback to slow him down. Ryback hits a monumental Military Press Slam and hits a Meat Hook Clothesline. He then catches Miz from the top rope and turns it into a Suplex that leads to the Shell Shock finisher for the Ryback win.
Winner – Ryback
The Intercontinental Champion calls for Big Show to get in the ring because he’s still hungry. Big Show denies his challenge and simply walks to the back with a very nonchalant attitude.
The contract signing is underway with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in the ring along with a covered table that is more doomed than any cake or jobber that’s ever been in a wrestling ring. Rollins is introduced first as he congratulates (sucks up to) The Authority by saying this is the strongest Summerslam card of all-time. Seth quotes Bob Dylan and his iconic song, “The Times Are A Changing” as well…trying to drop as many names as possible in this speech. He says he is the one who started the process of John Cena’s retirement with his nose-breaking knee to the face of Cena just a few weeks ago on RAW.
Seth goes on for several minutes before The United States Heavyweight Champion, John Cena interrupts him with his now iconic music. Cena gives the expected rebuttal, arguing Seth does not need to be like anyone else because he has his own identity and was hand-selected by Triple H to usher in the future. Cena goes on to mention the possibility of him tying the great Ric Flair and become the 2nd ever 16-time World Heavyweight Champion. He then compares the relationships, saying that Triple H was never Ric Flair’s bitch and promising that he will back Rollins his bitch in the end at Summerslam. Rollins seems rather worried as we are thrown to commercial…