WWE Raw Results (8/10): Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton For The World Championship, 6 Divas Tag and More!

Team Bad vs. Team Bella

Team BCP are on commentary during the match. Naomi and Alicia Fox start things, off with Fox applying a headlock. Naomi hits some forearm shots and then runs the ropes. Fox hits a backbreaker and gets a quick two count. Brie kicks her down and applies an arm bar. Naomi tags in Sasha, much to the delight of the crowd. Quick double team maneuver and Naomi gets back into the ring. Brie hits a spinebuster and then whips Naomi to the corner. She connects with a nice kick from the middle rope as we head to a commercial.

Back from break and Sasha is applying a headlock onto Nikki. She hits a clothesline and gets a two count. Sasha hits a cheap shot and then Tamina kicks Nikki in the head. Banks is on her back and slugs away with elbows. Brie gets the tag and hits some dropkicks and kicks to Banks in the chest. Brie hits another dropkick and misses into the corner. She connects with a Missile dropkick and Tamina comes in with a massive clothesline. She misses a kick and Brie rolls her up for the win.  Team B.A.D attacks afterwards and Team PCB get into the mix. All hell breaks loose and Team PCB stand tall. Charlotte spears Brie and B.A.D and PCB face off in the ring. 

Winners: Team Bella

Los Matadores vs. The New Day

Kofi jumps and then gets flipped over and lands on his feet. Dropkick and hurricanranna on Kingston, but Big E slams him down and he tags Kofi in and they go back and forth with tags and more kicks in the corner. Reversals back and forth and Diego trying to tag in Fernando. He gets in and unleashes spinning heel kicks and then chops Kofi in the chest. He tells Kofi to stop and yells Ole! He kicks BIg E and Woods moves Kofi. He catches El Torito and then Big E blind tags in and hits the Big Ending double team for the win.

Winners: The New Day

Backstage, New Day cheers and separates them from the pretenders. Renee Young announces The New Day vs. Prime Time Players vs. Los Matadores vs. Lucha Dragons in a Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship at SummerSlam. 

Seth Rollins is backstage and says Triple H is still making him defend the WWE World Heavyweight Champion again. Triple H says he opened that door with the open challenge and asks him if he wants to be the man. Triple H says he has to do it every single night. 


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