TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/22) – Magnus vs Bram, Storm’s Partner Revealed, Chain Match, Hardy vs Roode!

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
July 22nd 2015
Report By Bill Pritchard for

Street Fight
Magnus vs Bram

Magnus hits Bram a few times and superplexes him, then he kicks him in the face before Bram rakes his eyes. Bram hits Magnus with a few weapons before Magnus comes back with a dropkick, then he puts the trash can on Bram and beats him with a chair. Magnus continues to beat Bram before the ref gets bumped, then Bram hits a low blow and gets a rollup for the win. 

Winner – Bram 

James Storm walks out and hits Magnus in the head with a cowbell, and asks for a mic. Storm says he didn’t forget about Magnus, and if he thought this was bad, it’s getting a lot worse. He says they’ll find out who his partner is tonight, and they should stick around and watch. 


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