Foley Calls Remaining TE Contestants “Long Term Projects”, Y2J in Sharknado 3 Tonight, Finlay at SD! Tapings (Photo), Swagger News

Y2J in Sharknado 3 Tonight

Sharknado 3, featuring Chris Jericho, will premiere on USA tonight, and the film also features former WWE Diva Maryse.

Foley Calls Remaining TE Contestants “Long Term Projects”

As noted, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley was not happy with Patrick Clark being eliminated from WWE Tough Enough last night, and has said he’s finished watching the show following the decision. Foley took to Facebook to speak on the remaining Tough Enough contestants, and below is what he had to say:


With the elimination of Patrick, two weeks after the dismissal of Daria, I’m officially tapping out on ?#?ToughEnough?. In order for a future season to seem relevant, WWE needed a guy who could step into a role on the main roster within a year’s time. Sure, there are some promising prospects left – but each one is a long-term project, and a roll of the dice. Patrick was the real deal and now he’s gone…along with this particular viewer.”

Swagger News

The dark match before last night’s WWE Main Event tapings in Lincoln, Nebraska saw Jack Swagger defeat Brad Maddox with the Patriot Lock.

Finlay at SD! Tapings

John Laurinaitis posted the following photo on Twitter:


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