WWE RAW Results (7/20) – Cena/Rollins Have Words, Lesnar/Taker Official!

John Cena, Randy Orton & Cesaro

vs Sheamus, Kevin Owens & Rusev

Cesaro goes on offense early before Owens and Rusev kick him in the face, then we get back to see Cesaro kick Owens in the head. He goes for a rebound clothesline, but Sheamus hits him from behind, then Owens and Sheamus get into a shoving match over the pin. (?) Sheamus grabs his briefcase and walks out, then Owens and Rusev get into an argument.

Owens ends up knocking out Rusev and walks out, then Cesaro tags Orton, who unloads with clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton slams Rusev back down as Lana comes down and tackles Summer Rae, then she slaps Summer a few times before leaving. Rusev gets caught offguard with the distraction outside, and he gets caught with each opponent’s finishers before Orton pins him.

Winners – John Cena, Randy Orton & Cesaoo

Good overall show, but I might complain about the pacing. Taker/Lesnar would have been a perfect main event segment any week, but somehow it got placed in the middle of the show. Otherwise, I can’t complain much about the show. 

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