WWE RAW Results (7/20) – Cena/Rollins Have Words, Lesnar/Taker Official!

Seth Rollins comes to the ring and talks about how they all doubted him, but he is still there as the WWE Champion. He says it doesn’t matter why Undertaker showed up because he still won, and he calls Lillian Garcia into the ring. Rollins makes Lillian announce ‘still champion’ Seth Rollins, then John Cena cuts things off and makes his way to the ring. Cena says Lillian can leave, and Rollins says he’s probably wanting to make a US Open challenge, so he will leave.

Cena cuts him off and says Rollins should stick around because they became champions on the same night, but that’s where they differ. Cena says he defends this title with honor, but Rollins takes shortcuts and he’s not deserving of the title. Rollins says Cena lets any ‘schmo’ get a shot, but he challenges honorable people challenge him, and he’s done with this. Rollins goes to leave but Cena says that’s just like Rollins to take a shortcut, then Cena asks if Rollins is man enough and they go face to face. Rollins goads him into a fight, then ducks out of the ring, and Cena calls him out for leaving.

I’ll be completely honest (as always); I groaned as soon as Cena cut Rollins off, but a little more than halfway through this promo, I was sold. I could totally buy this as a Summerslam match. While I still say Kevin Owens continues to challenge Cena, I wouldn’t be upset with this happening, considering how Cena called out Rollins and how the crowd interprets what he said. 


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