Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns
vs Sheamus & Big Show
Sheamus catches Ambrose with a forearm shot but Ambrose rebounds with a clothesline, and Sheamus rolls outside. Big Show regroups with Sheamus but Reigns runs around and punches him, then Ambrose hits a splash off the turnbuckles. We get back from a break to see Show punching Ambrose in the corner, but Ambrose fights back with some chops and hits the ropes. Show clotheslines him and Sheamus tags in, then he scoop slams Ambrose and trades some punches.
Ambrose dropkicks him and hits the ropes, but Show knocks him down behind the ref’s back and Sheamus hits a backbreaker. Show tags in and punches Ambrose a few times, then Sheamus tags back in and keeps Ambrose grounded. Show assists with some stomps, then Ambrose stuns him with some strikes and makes the tag. Reigns tags in and connects with several clotheslines, then he tags Sheamus with an uppercut and a Samoan drop.
Reigns goes for a Superman punch but Show hits him from behind, and he sends him into Sheamus, who hits White Noise. Ambrose breaks up the pin and tackles Show on the floor, but Show catches him and tries to chokeslam him. Ambrose counters with a DDT through the announcer’s table, then Reigns and Sheamus slug it out in the ring. Sheamus hits Reigns in the corner but Reigns connects with a Superman punch, then Bray Wyatt runs in and attacks Reigns for the disqualification. Reigns counters Sister Abigail and spears Wyatt, then Sheamus, and leaves him laying on the ramp as the show ends.
Winners (by disqualification) – Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns
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