TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/8) – BroMans Street Fight, Bram vs Anderson, E-C-3 Title Defenses!

Bobby Lashley vs Tyrus 

Tyrus hits Lashley a few times and goes for a splash in the corner, but Lashley counters with a deadlift electric chair drop and a spear for the win.

Winner – Bobby Lashley 

Madison Rayne vs Velvet Sky

Madison mocks Velvet and says she looks like someone from the crowd, and she doesn’t belong here anymore. Velvet kicks her and slams her on the floor, then she whips her into the ring apron and steps. Madison catches her with a strike and a Northern Lights suplex for two, then Velvet comes back with three kicks in succession and a #1 Stunna for the win. 

Winner – Velvet Sky 


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