WWE Smackdown Results (7/2) – Wyatt vs Ambrose, Summer Rae’s Apology, Reigns vs Rollins!

R-Truth vs Adam Rose 

Rose cuts a promo about the fans not getting it, and they are ‘jelly.’ Truth and Rose trade a few strikes, with Rose getting the upper hand, but Truth comes back with some kicks and What’s Up for the win.

Winner – R-Truth

Mark Henry says Ryback made a mistake by mentioning his name, and he must be still feeling loopy from getting beat up. He says Ryback shouldn’t talk about Big Show, and he shouldn’t talk about him, because he’s definitely getting put in the Hall of Pain.

Mark Henry vs Ryback  

Henry hits Ryback in the corner and slams him down, then Ryback goes for a slam but Henry shifts his weight and knocks him back. Henry hits him a few times and applies a bearhug, then Ryback tries to break but Henry scoop slams him for a two count. He whips Ryback and they collide in the middle of the ring, then Ryback gets up and catches him with two Meathooks. Henry goes for a World’s Strongest Slam but Ryback counters with a spinebuster, then he hits Shell Shocked for the win. 

Winner – Ryback