“WrestleZone Daily” Web Radio Show is LIVE today at Noon EST feat. Big Show Coming Clean, More On Dolph Ziggler, Reebok-CM Punk, RAW Hits Record Low & More…

WZD-three-colorWrestleZone Daily will be going live today at Noon EST/11 am CST.

Host Nick Hausman is joined today by the Folk City Hustler, Ross Berman. Some of the topics they will be discussing today include:

– Big Show coming clean about infamous spot with Brock Lesnar
– What is Dolph Ziggler telling those closest to him about his contract?
– Jeff Jarrett set to talk to Mike Tenay about the future of TNA-GFW
– Reebok messing up UFC fighter’s names
– The latest Tough Enough elimination
– Jamie Noble taunting Jose Aldo
– RAW drawing it’s lowest audience in 2015 
– And more of the headlines from yesterday’s news cycle…

You can let your voice be heard today on the show! Join the chat room at mixlr.com/TRNRadio and Nick & Ross will be reading comments from the thread live on the air. You can also tweet the show using the hashtag #WZDaily.


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