impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/24) – New X Division Champion, Full Metal Mayhem, Jeff Jarrett Returns!

Eddie gets a chain and Davey ties it around his shin, but Aries drops him with a forearm and puts him in Last Chancery. Eddie breaks it up with a trash can, then Roode slams a ladder into Eddie and Aries dropkicks him. Roode goes for a Roode Bomb but Davey breaks it up, then he kicks Roode with the chain around his leg and puts a trash can on Aries. Eddie unloads with the chair on Aries, then they head up top and hit in stereo Van Terminators. It’s not over yet, as Eddie has Aries (still with the trash can on his head) in powerbomb position, and Davey goes up top, but Roode hits both of them with low blows and rolls Aries on top for the cover. 

Winners – Dirty Heels

I hate how they HAD to go five matches, but this was actually a pretty creative way to do it. The Wolves were rolling and looked to destroy Aries, but Roode pulled a fast one and helps with the win. Good match, one of the more creative Full Metal Mayhem matches I’ve seen, but then again, The Wolves never stop amazing people. 

Josh Mathews and Pope are talking about this match when they stop mid sentence, and Jeff and Karen Jarrett walk into the arena! Jeff shakes their hand and says hell froze over, and he will address a few points for them. He says tonight, he is here because TNA texted him about a proposal, and he at first ignored it. Jeff says he needed to know what they wanted and they proposed a match, and he thought about hanging up. They invited Jeff to participate in the King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary, and all the memories started coming back. (Continued…)


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