Complete WWE Smackdown TV Tapings Results For Tonight *Spoilers*

They cut to Kane coming out to the ring by himself. Ryback did his Feed Me More chant at the top of the ramp and then Big Show attacked him. Ryback put up no fight. The crowd tried to revive Ryback to no avail. After a good five minutes, Big Show finally threw Ryback into the ring.

Ryback defeated Kane (via disqualification) Kane went for the quick cover but Ryback kicked out. Ryback finally got the upper hand after the Meathook Clothesline, and went for Shellshocked, but Big Show stepped in the ring and kicked Ryback to force the DQ. Afterwards, they gave Ryback separate chokeslams and left him motionless in the ring.

The Prime Time Players and The Lucha Dragons beat New Day and Bo Dallas. The Lucha Dragons wore sick new black and lime green masks and tights. After a lot of back and forth, Kalisto hit the 450 splash off the top rope for the pin on Xavier Woods.

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose were shown talking in the locker room (both got huge pops). Dean suggested they go after Bray together, but Roman said he crossed the line and he wants to do this alone. Dean left and Roman found a picture of himself in his bag with the words “anyone but you” on it. Later, Roman was shown searching for Bray in the back and told a crew guy to get on his headset and find Bray. Kane confronted him and then banned him from the building for, as Kane called it, “being a liability”.


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