JR Interviewing Kimbo Slice
MMA star Kimbo Slice, who fights former WWE Superstar Ken Shamrock at Bellator 138 on June 19th, will be the guest on next week’s edition of Jim Ross’ “Ross Report” podcast. The show is scheduled to drop at 9pm EST. on Tuesday, June 9th at PodcastOne.com.
JR Offers His Thoughts on the “Wednesday Night Wars”
In related news, Jim Ross has posted a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com, and below are his thoughts on the new “Wednesday Night Wars”:
“Not wild about the term Wednesday Night Wars’ as it relates to all the pro wrestling that now airs on free TV on Wednesday nights. ‘War’ indicates that someone will lose or be eliminated which any wrestling fan with above average intelligence should not want to happen to any promotion.”
“Got some Tweets about ROH’s production values that new viewers had heard me mention on the Ross Report. I’ve been told by ROH management that those upgrades are coming and to be patient. That’s good news. I still think that the hard working ROH talents would better serve themselves inside the ring if they slowed down a gear to have some where to go but no one can ever question the work ethic of ROH talent. ROH should do what they can to edit out dated live event references as it make the viewers think that they are watching an ‘old’ show.”
Sneak-Peek of the New “Too Hot for TV” Episode
WWE has released the following video, featuring a sneak-peek of the upcoming new episode of “Too Hot for TV” on the WWE Network: