impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/3) – Lashley vs Eric Young, Spud Chooses Option C, Aries Declares Cash-In!

Mickie James is shown arriving at a studio but no one is there, except for James Storm. She asks what he’s doing there, and Storm says he wants to help her and make her a star like she deserves. Mickie asks what he means, and Storm says he wants her to join him on his journey and be at his side. Storm asks her to join the Revolution, and he can provide for her and her son, but Mickie looks floored. Mickie says she has a family with Magnus and this isn’t going to happen, so if he misread things she is sorry. Storm stops her as she leaves and says he supports her no matter what as a friend, then they hug and he shows her out.

Best Of Five Series (Match Three)
Dirty Heels vs The Wolves 

Aries goes for a quick rollup before The Wolves attack him, then Roode tags in but Davey hits him with a stomp to the shoulder. Davey trips him and Eddie knees him in the head, then they kick Aries off the apron and try to suplex Roode back in. Aries stomps Eddie as we go to a break, then we get back to see Eddie chopping the hell out of Roode in the corner. Aries interferes and assists with a suplex, but Davey catches his partner and whips the Heels outside. The Wolves hit a tandem suicide dive, then they get a near fall before Roode sneaks a jackknife cover for two.

Davey connects with a kick combo before Aries gets thrown outside, and The Wolves both head up top but Aries crotches Davey on the turnbuckles. Roode holds Eddie while Aries hits an IED, then Roode hits a spinebuster and Aries follows with a 450 splash. Eddie somehow kicks out and Roode is shocked, so Aries gets a chair and Roode is telling him they can’t do it like this. Roode almost gets rolled up before Aries grabs one of the titles, and Roode finally low blows Eddie before he hits him with a chair and makes the cover. 

Winners – Dirty Heels


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