WWE Smackdown Results (4/9) – Kidd/Cesaro vs New Day, Neville Debuts On SD!, Big Six Man Tag Main Event!

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WWE Smackdown Results
April 9th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

Daniel Bryan comes out and says he wants to make the Intercontinental Championship mean as much as he can, and he will do it by defending it. He says he even defended the title the night after winning it, and Sheamus kicked him in the face after his first defense. Bryan says he fought Sheamus last week, but Bad News Barrett got in the middle of it, then Barrett says Bryan’s week turned into a nightmare because of him.

Sheamus walks out and says he kicked Bryan’s head off, and the two of them are going to come down and kick Bryan’s ass, because they can. Dolph Ziggler runs out for the save, and he mocks Sheamus and Barrett and says they can fight the right way. Big Show cuts them off and brags about his Wrestlemania win, then he says they aren’t going to have this fight without him. Roman Reigns is the next to enter the fray, and he goes right after Show and tackles him as they all erupt into a brawl before Show, Barrett and Sheamus retreat. 

The New Day comes out and Big E cuts a promo about how they clap, but the fans chant ‘you suck’ at them. He says they are there for the fans, and they need to like The New Day, because they are here for a ‘new day.’ 

Tyson Kidd & Cesaro (w/ Natalya) vs The New Day (w/ Xavier Woods)

Kidd kicks Kofi a few times and monkey flips him, but Kofi lands on his feet and knocks Cesaro off the apron. Kidd punches Kofi in the back, then Cesaro uppercuts him and mocks New Day by clapping with the ‘you suck’ chant. Kofi fires back with some strikes and a dive to the floor, then we get back to see Cesaro catch E in the Big Swing. Kofi gets involved and Cesaro talks trash, then E hits a side slam before making the tag. Kofi connects with some chops and a dropkick, then he hits a Boom Drop and calls for Trouble In Paradise. Kofi stops as he is distracted by the ‘New Day sucks’ chants, and Cesaro uppercuts him before Kidd hits a spinning neckbreaker for the win. 

Winners – Tyson Kidd & Cesaro 

BP: I don’t know if it’s been the plan the whole time, but New Day is finally showing some heel tendencies in that promo. All three guys are talented, and I can’t wait to see them build on this. 


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