WWE Smackdown Results (4/9) – Kidd/Cesaro vs New Day, Neville Debuts On SD!, Big Six Man Tag Main Event!

Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Roman Reigns

vs Bad News Barrett, Big Show & Sheamus

Dolph and Sheamus go back and forth before Show slams Dolph into the corner, then Dolph hits a DDT for two. Wade and Sheamus keep Dolph down with some uppercuts, then Dolph comes back with quick strikes and a slam to the mat. Bryan connects with several kicks and a suicide dive to the floor, but Wade hits him from behind as we go to a break. We get back to see Wade set Bryan up for a big boot, but Bryan dives away and reaches for a tag. Show cuts him off and steps on Bryan’s back, then taunts the opposition before dropping Bryan with a headbutt. Show knocks Dolph off the apron with a shoulder tackle, then he turns and Bryan takes him down in the YES Lock. Show breaks it and throws him outside, and Sheamus tags in and hits Bryan in the corner. He sets Bryan on the turnbuckles, but Bryan knocks him down with some punches and dives at him, but Sheamus catches him and calls for White Noise. Bryan counters with a DDT, then Reigns tags in and tackles Wade in the corner. Reigns unloads with some punches, then things break down as we see Dolph and Sheamus fight to the floor. Bryan and Show end up taking each other down, then Wade calls for a Bullhammer but Reigns counters with a spear for the win.

Winners – Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Roman Reigns

BP: Not a bad show by any means, but like usual, Smackdown is just a few undercard developments, and a thrown together tag match. Highlight of the night was Neville, who still impresses with his high flying abilities.  

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