WWE Smackdown Results (4/9) – Kidd/Cesaro vs New Day, Neville Debuts On SD!, Big Six Man Tag Main Event!

Bray Wyatt vs Erick Rowan 

Rowan hits Bray a few times and charges the corner, but Bray sidesteps him and sends him into the ringpost. Bray slams him into the barricade as we go to a break, then we get back to see Rowan hit some shoulder tackles for a near fall. Rowan heads up top but Bray rolls outside, so Rowan charges at him but Bray decks him with a clothesline. Bray follows with a senton splash on the floor, then he rolls him in and hits a crossbody and Sister Abigail for the win. 

Winner – Bray Wyatt

The Miz is in the ring for MizTV and brags about his new film, The Marine 4: Moving Target, and plays a trailer. Summer Rae comes to the ring and says she’s a costar, then Miz runs her down and says he did her a favor. He talks about how he made her a star like he made Damien Mizdow a star, and he blames the fans because they encouraged Mizdow. He talks about how Damien Sandow was a nobody that was going to get fired, then Mizdow walks out and Miz tells him to do the right thing.

Miz says he will forgive Mizdow if he apologizes, and Miz asks for a handshake so things go back to normal. Mizdow reluctantly does so, then he says he’s sorry he didn’t do this sooner, and decks Miz with a punch to the mouth! Miz runs as Mizdow clears the ring of all the props, then he plays to the crowd and kisses Summer, who looks thrilled and surprised.  


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