Live With Chris Jericho: Special Guest John Cena
Chris Jericho talks about John Cena‘s 5 moves of Doom:
Cena talks about how he added a few moves today and said he took a few away to keep 5 moves. 2 Shoulder Tackles, fireman’s carry, 5 Knuckle Shuffle.
As US Champion:
“I truly like to lead by example and every second is an opportunity to hold a championship.”He says he is at a point where he is trying to do his thing and use the title to redefine the United States Championship and put the young guy’s business card out there to the WWE Universe.
Being on top for so long:
“Whether I am in the first match or last match, I am happy what I am doing. I appreciate being able to go out there and do my thing.”
Relationship with Vince:
“We share the same vision. Creatively, we are different. I love this company. I took a real liking to the way this guy does things. Everybody has a goal. I want to lead this thing to a hundred times bigger than when I started this thing.”
Brass ring statement:
“I loved it. He can also hear the audience. They (wrestlers) can’t be afraid. Do it. Don’t do it because somebody above you or a person of authority says you can never do this. Vince will say this or say that, and we have rules, but go out there and take a chance.”
The class at OVW:
“It was stacked down there. You questioned if you would make it. I knew I was not number one on the list. I go out there and do my best, show up early and work harder than anyone else. Never be afraid to fail. I kept producing and waited for a chance.”
Has John Cena ever taken performance enhancing drugs?
“No. I was really lucky as a kid to be surrounded by motivated individuals. We lifted for two days straight. It is just so difficult. I am proud of who I am and what I have done, the right way. My body has looked exactly the same. I have been 250 pounds from the second I walked in here and still am now.”
Next face of the company:
“The audience screams for new, but when you present new to them company package style, you are no good. I like Roman. He is excellent. This kid is a star and they say we want new. It is going to be weird from here on out.”
Heat with The Rock:
Everybody has their vision. I live day to day here. You love this place? Where are you? I am heading to Moline. Where are you? He would go out and trash me. Give me a chance to throw a punch. I am going to do me and jab at you and you will stumble. It was always professional and that was something I respected the most.”
“Cena Sucks” Chants:
“I learned very early on that you cannot please everyone.”
Would you turn heel?
“It was discussed briefly, with the program with The Rock. I got new theme music, got new gear made. It’s not like I am not ready for it. I am just trying to do my job the best I can. If it happened, I thought it would be great. It would be great for me to be able to do that, but it is so rewarding to me to go out there and be inspirational.”
Favorite Match:
“My next one. But, Rock/Cena. It was special and lived up to the hype. We were still excited for it, even with a years worth of effort in it. When he was there, he showed up and we made some interesting television. That is the one that stands out for sure.”
More notes:
-Talked about Doug and Danny Basham, Funaki, Ultimo Dragon, Tajiri as his traveling buddies.
-He talks about his rap battles on the bus with the likes of Rikishi, Chuck Palumbo, etc.
– They talk about drinking and talk about how they had a crazy night in Alaska.
– Cena talks about how he connects with the kids in the crowd and he is the biggest heel in the company. He justifies his role in the WWE and is open to being a heel.
-He talks about his “Hustle, Loyalty and Respect” motto and talks about the origin of it.