Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “What In The World Was That Ending?”

Divas Dominate

wwe rawNikki Bella defeated Paige

Paige and Nikki Bella put on one AWESOME Divas Championship match. After a commercial break, Paige takes control of Nikki. She fights out and hits a Paige Turner. Nikki kicks out and both Divas spill to the outside.

After this, AJ throws Brie Bella on the ground and accidentally hits Paige. Nikki throws her in the ring, hits Rack Attack and picks up the win.

This match lasted about ten minutes and this was an excellent bout. Nikki has come such a long way and this was her best match. She does the little things that a heel should, like doing push-ups in the ring to mock her competition. Paige is the definition of excellence. It was just a really smooth match and felt like a main event. This may have been one of the best segments for Divas in the past decade.

WZ 8No Interest in the Tag Team Division

WWE is failing miserably with the WWE Tag Team Division. Los Matadores has NEVER gotten over as a gimmick. El Torito was over for one night against Hornswoggle. The team of Cesaro and Kidd are really good in the ring and they are beginning to polish their gimmick outside of it.

The only issue is this: they have no competition.

Without competition, this tag team reign could be long but very forgettable. Los Matadores? No. New Day? No. The Ascension? Prime Time Players?

Tell me what team they should face. Who else do they have to feud with? This is a huge issue and should be addressed with the addition of new blood in the company.

Hello to The Briscoes. Hell, I would rather see Lucha Dragons. They are already beating The Ascension on WWE Superstars each week. When I see the excellent product that TNA has in their Tag Team Division and compare it to WWE, I just shake my head and wonder when they can turn it around. It was really good a year ago with Wyatt Family/Shield/Uso’s. Now, nothing.

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Rusev and John Cena Get Physical

Rusev faces off against Jack Swagger on WWE Raw. Rusev completely dominates the former world champion and locks in The Accolade. John Cena’s music hits and here comes the 15 time champion. Cena slugs away at Rusev and takes him down a few times. Rusev hits an elbow and then throws Cena into the barricade. He slams him into the ring post. He launches John Cena across the announce table and then celebrates with the Russian Flag.

He comes back and hits Cena in the face with a kick, beginning to strip the announce table. He locks in the Accolade on the table.

Fantastic booking of Rusev tonight. You need to believe he wins on Sunday. I hope he wins, but I do think Cena ends up winning and making the United States Championship THAT much more important.

Wouldn’t Rusev winning make him a legit main eventer though? Either way, WWE is in a win-win situation here. Bray losing last year did not do much to his gimmick. Rusev is not as creative, so I feel he NEEDS it a little more. This got me excited for a United States Championship match at WrestleMania.

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