Another 3/14 WWE Live Event Report from Milwaukee: Notes on Maddox’s Return, Pre-Sale Code for Milwaukee Return, AxelMania Chants

wwe live event resultsThanks to Jason Chastain for sending in the following:

WWE Live Event Results


Milwaukee, WI

• Primetime Players def. Adam Rose and Heath Slater (Titus hits the sitdown spinebuster on Rose)

• Adrian Neville def. Curtis Axel with his the corkscrew shooting star

  (Good match, and some solid “Axelmania” chants)

• Zack Ryder def. Brad Maddox with the Rough Ryder

  (Maddox got booed out of the building any time he tried to play to the crowd)

• Goldust def. Stardust with a powerslam as Stardust was coming off the ropes

  (Crowd was really into both brothers and they put on a good match that felt a bit short, would’ve liked to see it go longer. Lot of “Cody” chants that Stardust played off of well)

• Rusev def. Ryback and Jack Swagger in a triple threat match for the U.S. Title.

  (Huge heat on Rusev here as he cut a promo saying that “god hates all of you in America.” After Rusev won, Ryback gave him the shellshock and then he and Swagger did each other’s poses for a while)

• Intermission

• Paige & Naomi def. The Bella Twins after Paige hits the Rampage on Nikki.

  (Good match, and all of the divas got a huge pop, the Bellas especially. The match was made after a Twitter poll was made to seem much closer than it actually way)

• Jimmy Uso def. Miz with a superkick after Mizdow distracted the Miz.

  (Another fun match, with Mizdow getting some huge pops. Miz was booed out of the building. There was a dance-off mid-match that saw Miz bust out some rather corny moves. After the match Mizdow and Jimmy celebrated in the ring together for a while)

• John Cena & Randy Orton def. Bray Wyatt & Seth Rollins when Orton RKO’d Rollins after Cena AA’d Wyatt.

  (Great match that saw Cena getting beaten down for most of the time. They did 5 cutoff spots that saw Cena almost get the hot tag to Orton. Each time the crowd got more and more frantic until the place blew up when Orton finally got in. Lot of “Let’s Go Cena/Cena Sucks” chants.)

The BMO Harris Center was packed for what they sold. It didn’t appear that they were selling tickets on the immediate side of the stage or above the 5th row in the top section. Every other seat was filled. They announced during the show that Smackdown would be coming back to the BMO Center on July 7th and tickets can be purchased using the code “WWEPRE.”