3/8 Wrestlezone Recap: Bill DeMott Takes “Tough Enough” Too Far, Triple H in Hall of Fame; This Week’s Major Wrestling News


— Your Sunday Paper for Pro Wrestling News —

March 8, 2015

by Mike Killam

DeMott Takes “Tough Enough” Too Far

Bill DeMott, head trainer of WWE developmental and coach of the USA network Tough Enough series, resigned from his post this week after a mountain of controversy. It started with two letters from former developmental talents, sent to Talent Relations while they were still with the company. The letters alleged physical and verbal abuse by DeMott during numerous practices.

The drama was picked up by mainstream and online media, and sparked a worldwide Twitter hashtag – #FireBillDeMott. Tons of wrestling talent responded to the issue, including Chris Jericho, stars from TNA, New Japan and various other legends and indy stars. The most crazy story Bill making talents do “naked donut stinkfaces” to get out of practice.