Tim Donst Talks Indy Wrestling, Shares His Thoughts On WWE And TNA, What Is The Most Satisfying Moment Of His Career So Far?

wrestlezoneIndependent wrestling star Tim Donst, best known for his work with Absolute Intense Wrestling (AIW), Chikara and Dragon Gate USA recently conducted an interview with PWMania.com.

Donst, who uses his amateur wrestling background as part of his gimmick, talks about the best and worst thing in the wrestling business, WWE and TNA, indy wrestling and more. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

Tim Donst talks indy wrestling, what could make the indy scene better today?

I think indy wrestling is become cool again. Non-WWE fans are checking out various promotions and sticking to them. There’s a cool underground scene slowly building. Indy scene could use more exposure.

His thoughts on WWE and TNA? Does he want to sign with one of them?

I’ve been a fan of WWE all my life. I have a lot of friends in TNA but I’ll go wherever I feel like going at the time.

Donst talks about the highlight of his career:

Honestly, it’s probably whatever I experienced last because the industry moves to fast and those moments are few and far between. Four years ago I would have said winning Chikara’s Young Lions Cup. 2 years ago I would have said my match with Hallowicked with my hair on the line or the one with Brian Kendrick for AIW. Right now, I might say the fan reaction for Michael Hutter (EC3) vs. myself at AIW’s Absolution as the fans made the atmosphere so unique. SMV had to actually lower the camera feed because the crowd was overpowering the commentating!


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