TNA Impact Wrestling Results (2/20) – Hardy/Wolves vs Revolution, Al Snow vs Grado, Who Won The #1 Contender’s Gauntlet?

Mickie James is shown walking in the building, and she says she is here to talk about Magnus’ condition, and some important business, so they should stay tuned. 

Al Snow vs Grado 

Snow jumps Grado at the bell and chokes him with some wrist tape, then breaks the hold and Grado slams him in the corner. Snow stomps him a few times and hits a Snow Plow, then he hesitates for a cover before scoop slamming Grado and hitting a moonsault for two. He gets mad and goes for another moonsault, but Grado rolls away and hits a Wee Boot before he connects with a Roll ‘N Slice (cannonball) in the corner. Snow gets up and tries to hit him with Head, but Grado ducks and hits him back, then connects with a Wee Boot for the win. 

Winner – Grado

Snow ends up shaking Grado’s hand and raises his arm, but the Beat Down Clan runs out and attacks them from behind. They continue to attack until a hooded figure runs in the ring with a pipe, and he clears the ring and reveals himself to be Drew Galloway!

Plenty of great stuff here; Grado wins in front of a hometown crowd, and eventhough I didn’t see British Boot Camp, it seems like the payoff was worth it. Drew Galloway looks to be in great shape, and he’ll be a good addition to the roster. I didn’t like his WWE gimmick, but that doesn’t take away from his talent. 

Angelina Love (w/ BroMans) vs Taryn Terrell

Angelina attacks Taryn on the apron and suplexes her on the floor, then she hits Taryn with several forearms and heads up top. Taryn cuts her off and press slams her, then she connects with several clotheslines and follows with a snap suplex for a two count. Taryn heads up top and hits a diving clothesline, then she whips Angelina but ends up getting caught with a Botox Injection kick. Angelina gets a two count and yells at the ref, then she picks Taryn back up to attack her and gets caught with a diving cutter for the win. 

Winner – Taryn Terrell

Awesome Kong comes out and gets in Taryn’s face, so Taryn hits her with some forearm shots before Kong tackles her and hits an Implant Buster. Gail Kim runs out as Kong lifts the Knockouts Title above her head, and Kong stares her down and leaves as Gail tells her to come back in the ring. 


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