Ric Flair to Appear on ESPN’s 30 For 30, Pre-Sale Code for Post-Mania SD!, WWE Stars Predict the Super Bowl (Video)

Ric Flair to Appear on ESPN’s 30 For 30

ric flairAccording to PWInsider.com, Ric Flair was interviewed for an upcoming edition of 30 For 30 on ESPN. The episode focuses on Christian Laettner of Duke University, and will air sometime in the spring.

Pre-Sale Code for Post-Mania SD!

The post-WrestleMania 31 edition of WWE Smackdown will be taped on March 31st at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California.

An internet pre-sale is currently taking place for the event, and you can use the pre-sale code “WWEFAN” to obtain tickets.

WWE Stars Predict the Super Bowl

The following video features WWE superstars offering their Super Bowl predictions: