WWE RAW Results (12/29) – New Tag Champs, The Ascension Debuts, Rollins Gets The Authority Back!

Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins 

Big Show makes his way to commentary as the match begins, and Reigns hits Rollins a few times and drops him with a shoulder block. Rollins kicks him in the face and sends him into the ring apron, but Reigns slams Rollins’ head on the apron and throws him back inside. Rollins elbows him in the head, then he kicks him a few times and sends him into the ropes. Reigns powerbombs Rollins and gets a two count, then Rollins regroups on the floor but Reigns throws him right back in. Rollins backdrops him but Reigns floats over and slams Rollins down, then he connects with a basement dropkick on the apron and chases Mercury and Noble off.

Rollins catches Reigns with a cheap shot as we go to a break, then we get back to see Rollins hit Reigns a few times before he gets caught with a tilt-a-whirl slam by Reigns. Both men get back up and Rollins kicks Reigns in the face for a two count, then he goes for a Curb Stomp but Reigns sidesteps and connects with a Superman punch. Big Show leaves commentary and pulls Reigns outside, and punches him a few times and whips him over the commentary table as the ref calls for the bell. Show pulls Reigns back up and whips him over the table and into the barricade, then picks the table up and slams it down on Reigns’ knees and legs before leaving. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Roman Reigns 

Rollins is shown celebrating backstage and thanks Big Show for being the man, and he says he feels like celebrating. Rollins tells Mercury and Noble to tell everyone that he is having a toast tonight, and he’s doing it on the Cutting Edge Peep Show. He says he is in such a good mood, he’s even going to invite John Cena to the ring, and tells Mercury and Noble to go get things started. 


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