Jeff Jarrett Talks Whether or Not AJ Styles Should Change His Finisher, Predicts Wrestle Kingdom 9 Match of the Night, Talks Bullet Club, GFW & More

jeff jarrettJeff Jarrett joined Nani & special guest co-host, stand-up comedian, Marty DeRosa, for Pandemonium on VOC Nation Radio Network to discuss Global Force Wrestling, NJPW, Bullet Club, Wrestle Kingdom 9 at the Tokyo Dome, & much more. Scott D’Amore also appeared earlier in the show.

Here are some excerpts from the interview. You can hear the interview in its entirety, along with Scott D’Amore’s interview, @, Stitcher, & iTunes.

On when GFW will be a stand alone company:

“2015. I know that’s very, very broad. We rolled out the name of the company in April & got our AAA alliance announced. The NJPW alliance, building up the brand. We got a couple funny Twitter comments from you [laughs] that I smiled all about so there’s another alliance in there [to special guest co-host, Marty] but, no, all kidding aside… rolling out the brand. And then the New Japan situation came about and all eyes in Global Force are focused and if I would have to release details from now until January 4, I don’t want anything seeding headlines or move anything. We’re laser-focused on January 4. Post January 4, I’m going to be making announcements about distribution, talent, venues, and sponsorships, and everything that goes with a stand-alone. 2015 I’ve obviously been holding things pretty close to the vest and that’s obviously by design. I made it a real focus. I want Global Force to be a different kind of brand. Yes, it’s going to be a standalone. We have these professional relationships where we can present, not just to the North American audience but the entire globe… different styles, different forms, different, innovative ways to bring wrestling to the masses.”

On doing cross-overs & co-promotions with other wrestling companies & whether is it essential to please wrestling fans:

“Essential is a pretty strong word. Do I believe it’s beneficial? Absolutely. It goes without saying that WWE 95% of the market share. It’s all about how do you cut through. Not that just because it’s wrestling, WWE is #1, who’s #2, who’s #3, who’s #4, who’s #5. I don’t think it’s appropriate or necessary. I think it’s counterproductive to success. In the music business, you can have 10 country music artists who are selling out arenas. You can have pop music, rock music,  and all different forms. So, I believe it’s in everybody’s best interest. A couple of weeks ago, ROH had their pay-per-view and we used our digital space and our social media to encourage people to watch the show. I think that it’s healthy for the industry if all promotions are thriving. Is it essential? I don’t think I’d say it’s essential but I do say it’s very, very healthy.”

On competition and Bullet Club:

“Well, I said back in February or March that I thought that the industry as a whole was right on the cusp of a boom period. Some people thought I was crazy and some people agreed. But, here we are 11 months later, NJPW is going to be on access, we’re bringing the pay-per-view with Jim Ross and I can’t tell you just how the media requests, alone. Jim can talk until now until January 4 and he wouldn’t be able to get it all in. NJPW is going to be on access, Lucha Underground is on El Ray, TNA, God bless them, signed a new TV deal, & WWE has the WWE Network. There is a lot of healthy things going on in this business. The more needs for professional wrestling? I do think there is a void in the marketplace. WWE, how could you complain or argue about their success? They’re publicly traded company, a billion dollar organization that’s been around for 60 years. What they do is their style and they do it very well. Do I think that NJPW will be coming to North America or AAA coming to North America? Other forms of wrestling coming to North America? Do I think that would be successful? You’re damn right, I do. Let’s take that show this past Saturday night [Pro Wrestling Syndicate]. There were 1500 people in the building and I think I saw 250 Bullet Club shirts. That, to me, is a very strong indicator of how hot that product is and The Bullet Club is all American, outside of Takahashi, are all American. They’re all great wrestlers. Kenny Omega and AJ Styles are two of the very best performers in the world. Gun and Gallows held the [tag] titles for a year now. They’re strong. Young Bucks, who I think is the best tag team in the business today, their timing in what I call, ‘new age wrestling’. I think there’s a lot of indicators of that indicate the potential of how successful it can be here.”

On independent wrestling:

“They’re independent promotions but I don’t call the guys working them ‘indy wrestlers’. I think there’s a negative connotation that goes with that, unfortunately. I’m calling them free agents and, I think the free agent market right now is as hot as its ever been. You’ve got guys that are working ThursdayFriday, and Saturday from anywhere 1,500 to 2,500, and these promoters… you’re always going to have some bad promoters out there. But, for the most part, I’m looking around and seeing guys who are businessmen who are putting on really good shows. The business is healthy and that really excites me. My family has been in the business since the 1940s. My grandmother started. It’s ‘put groceries on the table’ for over 70 years. To see the amount of work at shows and, not just in North America, but in Europe, UK specifically, is having some really good shows and Australia. There’s a lot going on out in the world of professional wrestling that is not WWE-related.”

About being the only person who is both a member of the NWO and the Bullet Club:

“Funny you ask. At that show, Kevin Nash was there and we filmed him and that video came out yesterday. To hear Kevin Nash be so complimentary of the Bullet Club. I’m still in shock. I’m lucky that I’m the only guy to be in both. When those guys approached me back in August after NJPW and GFW solidified their relationship, they said, ‘Hey, we want you to be part of Bullet Club.’  How could you turn that down at this stage in my career? So I’m really honored and can’t wait to get to the Tokyo Dome. But, when I was talking to Kevin and listening to when he was getting interviewed, and he said the Bullet Club is much more athletic than the original members of NWO– Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan. I’m like, ‘he’s right.’ He’s being honest about it. I can tell you that i witnessed firsthand when the NWO first came on the scene and they powerbombed Bischoff off the stage and just the buzz and showing up at those Nitros and they were sold out 5 days in advance. Just the electricity and the buzz… I mean, they were selling out buildings just by showing up in limos and beating people up and they didn’t even have their first match. If you look at the comparison and the vibe, the Bullet Club does the ‘Too Sweet’ that’s the homage to NWO and Kevin threw it back at them so it’s cool. It’s a special time in the business, I’ll say.”

On what he predicts will be “match of the night” on Wrestle Kingdom 9:

“Well, I mean, typical wrestler… I have to say my match is going to be the best [laughs] I’m kidding, I’m kidding. No disrespect to the other nine matches but there’s three in my mind that I believe are going to be 5-star matches. I believe the 4-team match is going to be a match that is going to be potential to set the standard barrier. I don’t want to call this a exhibition match because it’s bigger and broader. It’s more dynamic. The 4 corners match is going to be a showstealer. The main event is for the title so that’s the second one. One of the best rivalries. AJ Styles’ match is going to be off the charts. Those are the three. Sorry I couldn’t nail it down to one.”

On whether AJ Styles should change his finisher, The Styles Clash:

“I want to have all due respect to guys that have been injured but I’ve heard that and I just have to laugh. Actually, I laughed. This business, as Jim Ross says, ‘it ain’t ballet.’ But you need to learn how to protect yourself and if you can’t protect yourself, either A get out of the business or B don’t take it. Don’t put it on AJ. Back in the asylum, Frankie Kazarian took it wrong and I know that the nature of our business is the tuck your chin to protect your neck. On this, know going in, focus and know, if AJ can be in this predicament. You know what to do. I put it on the performer, not on AJ. Not even close. It’s ridiculous, in my opinion, for someone to say, ‘AJ, that move needs to be banned.’ He’s done it for 12 years and, if a guy can’t protect himself, it’s not AJ’s fault.”

On the funniest people in wrestling:

“When you look back over the years, the first name when you said funniest in the dressing room–Road Dogg and Brad Armstrong, God rest his soul. Brad was the funniest of the bunch and Brian will tell you today, Brad was the funniest but it never coorelated to the audience but Brian’s did.”

To hear the rest of the interview, where Jeff Jarrett speaks about Jim Ross, Luke Gallows, Global Force Wrestling, comedy in wrestling, Mick Foley, and  much more, along with Scott D’Amore’s Pandemonium interview, you can listen at, Stitcher iTunes. Pandemonium is live every Wednesday 7:30pmEST on

Wrestle Kingdom 9 will stream live from the Tokyo Dome @ 2AM EST on Sunday, January 4 and then will be available for 30 days on the Flipps app. Check your local listings to see where pay-per-view is available or The Flipps app can be downloaded for free from iTunes or Google Play for just $34.95.

Follow Nani on Twitter: @MuppHits
Follow Jeff Jarrett on Twitter: @RealJeffJarrett
Follow Scott D’Amore on Twitter: @ScottDAmore
Follow Global Force Wrestling on Twitter: @GFWrestling
Follow Marty DeRosa on Twitter: @MartyDeRosa
Follow VOC Nation on Twitter: @VOCNation

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