WWE RAW Results (11/24) – Daniel Bryan In Charge, Former GM Returns, Cena/Ziggler vs Rollins!

wwe raw results

WWE RAW Results
November 24th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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The Authority comes out and Stephanie McMahon says it’s Sting’s fault they aren’t in charge here, but they are still winners because they have corporate responsibilities. She talks about having Thanksgiving with family and cries, then Triple H asks if they are enjoying this and he calls them bullies. HHH says Sting added to the demise of WWE, then he talks about how the company will fall apart and no one can run the company but them. He runs the crowd down about not having wrestling on Mondays anymore, and they are going to leave, but the fans will beg them to come back.

Daniel Bryan comes out and mocks them with a YES chant, then HHH and Stephanie try to leave but Bryan follows them up the ramp and chants in their faces. Bryan says that it felt great to kick them out of the ring, but now he’s getting to Team Authority because he’s been put in charge tonight. He brings Team Authority out to the stage and says he is a fair man, and Seth Rollins should be used to fighting in handicap matches. Bryan says tonight won’t be any different, so Rollins will have two teammates against John Cena and Dolph Ziggler. Rollins cuts him off and says he wants to know what’s going on, but Bryan says he’s not picking his partners, the fans will on the WWE App. Bryan lists the choices and says it could be Henry and Kane, Henry and Harper, or Mercury and Noble!

Bryan calls for the voting now, but Rollins backtracks and tries to get out of it and Bryan tells him to just accept it and get out of the way. Bryan next brings up Kane and says he’s gotten off track and Kane shouldn’t be Director of Operations anymore, and instead names him in charge of concessions and makes him sell popcorn and hotdogs. Bryan moves on to Rusev and says he should be more patriotic, so he has two options: he can compete in a company wide battle royal for the United States championship, or he can come in the ring and recite the Pledge of Allegiance! Rusev and Lana storm off so Bryan brings up Harper’s Intercontinental Championship win last week, and says he won’t get help from the Authority, and he will defend tonight against Dean Ambrose. Henry tries to walk away but Bryan says he has a match too, and he will face Ryback, and it’s happening right now. 


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